Faculty of Law Offers a New Study Programme in English

Pondělí 19. prosinec 2016, 12:25 – Text: eha

A new study programme mainly for foreign applicants will be offered from this academic year by the UP Faculty of Law. They have obtained accreditation for a follow-up Master’s programme, International and European Law. It is taught in English as a paid two-year full-time study. Applications for the academic year 2017/2018 will be accepted till mid-June 2017.

The launch of a new study programme confirms the quality of law education in Olomouc; it is the culmination of many years of work by the experts at the Department of International and European Law. “We believe that foreign students will respond positively to the attractiveness and content of the curriculum. They can also take part in exchange programs via the Erasmus Programme or internships and excursions at our contractual partners,” said Martin Faix, Vice-Dean for International Relations. The core of the programme consists in standard key courses related to international and European law, complemented by an array of optional courses for further specialisation.

For the academic year 2016/2017, seven applications from abroad were submitted, and three students were accepted. A maximum of thirty students can enrol.

Applicants are required to have at least a BA degree in Law or a related discipline and language competence. “The programme is aimed, for example, at students who have been here via Erasmus. However, it is open to all excellent students,” said Martin Faix. Students may also find study in Olomouc attractive due to the Faculty of Law Excellence Scholarship, awarded to six students in total. “The criteria for this scholarship include previous study results, specialised activities, and fulfilling of study duties,” the vice-dean specified. Applicants for English programmes at the Faculty of Law should check out the website www.studylaw.upol.cz.


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