Dr. Marko Svicevic, LL.Dip.

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Katedra mezinárodního a evropského práva

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tř. 17. listopadu 8 (budova B)



Sidumo E., Svicevic M., Bradley M., Kabendera E., Smit A., Phyffer J., de Beer A., Ojedokun A., Bakara N., Waschefort G., Lubaale E., Akia B., Vertue Q., Serradinho J., McKay A., Grobler Ch., Kilonzo J., Strydom H., Tladi D., Dyani-Mhango N. Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Conflict: International Humanitarian Law and Regional Security. In Svicevic M., Bradley M. (Eds.) 2024.
Svicevic M. Contextualising SADC Military Interventions under International Law. In Svicevic M., Bradley M., . (Eds.) Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Conflict International Humanitarian Law and Regional Security. 2024.
Sidumo E., Svicevic M., Bradley M. Introduction: The Evolving Conflict in Northern Mozambique and the Rise of Ansar al-sunna. In Svicevic M., Bradley M. (Eds.) Accessibility symbol Accessibility Information Book Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Conflict International Humanitarian Law and Regional Security. 2024.
Eggett C., Fiskatoris T., Svicevic M., Stoica V., Kunz R., Lima L., Campos B. Sources of International Law. In Hauck S., Kunz R., Milas M. (Eds.) Public International Law: A Multi-Perspective Approach. 2024.
Svicevic M. Use of Force. In Kunz R., Hauck S., Milas M. (Eds.) Public International Law: A Multi-Perspective Approach. 2024.
Svicevic M. The UN Security Council and International Law (Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures). Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law. 2023.
Svicevic M., Faix M., Stejskal P. Debate: EU sanctions against Russia and the rule of law. 2023.
Svicevic M., Faix M., Stejskal P. Debate: EU sanctions against Russia and the rule of law. 2023.
Faix M., Svicevic M. NATO, the Rule of Law and International Peace and Security. NATO Public Diplomacy Division Grant 2025. 2025.
Faix M., Vítová B., Svicevic M., Wang H., Huang S., Wang H., Chou I(. East-West Civilizational Interactions: Advancing the Position of the Individual in and by the Law. UAAT-ICU Integrated Project. 2024.
Svicevic M., Faix M., Stejskal P., Piątkowski M. GAČR-NSN (OPUS-28 LAP) Czech-Polish project: ‘The Czech-Polish Border Crisis in Light of International Law’. GAČR-NSN (OPUS-28 LAP). 2024.
Faix M., Svicevic M. The Invocation of Article 5 in Response to Indirect CBRN Threats. NATO Office of the Chief Scientist Grant 2024. 2024.
Svicevic M., Faix M., Stejskal P., Harrington A. Transboundary CBRN Incidents Affecting NATO: Towards and International Legal Framework. GAČR Standard Project. 2024.
Faix M., Stejskal P., Svicevic M. Mezinárodní sankce a jejich implementace na národní úrovní: komparativní perspektiva. Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy. 2023.

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