Jean Monnet Module: Advanced Constitutional Law of the European Union

Title: Advanced Constitutional Law of the European Union
Module leader: Assoc. prof. Vaclav Stehlik, LL.M., Ph.D.
Associate prof. in EU law
Jean Monnet Chairholder Department of International and European Law
JUDr. Ondrej Hamuľák, Ph.D.
Mgr et. Mgr. Helena Bončková, LL.M.
JUDr. Magdalena Ličková, LL.M., docteur en droit
Assoc. prof. JUDr. Vaclav Stehlik, LL.M., Ph.D.
The Jean Monnet Module was introduced and implemented due to the financial support of the European Commission [611343-EPP-1-2019-1-CZ-EPPJMO-MODULE]. It is taught at the Department of International and European Law, Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc.
Activities under JM Module
The aim of the Jean Monnet Module “Advanced Constitutional Law of the European Union” is to deepen tuition of the EU constitutional and institutional law in the law study programme and European study programme at Faculty of Law, Palacký University. The module is designed to support creation of the specialised EU law tuition focused on the deepening of knowledge and understanding of EU legal affairs by the future legal professionals.
The module consists in the following main activities, namely:
§ in the Introduction of a new EU focused tuition for law graduates - specifically the “Seminars in EU Constitutional Law” and “Lectures on Multi-level constitutional dimension of the European integration” and a course “EU Judiciary and Proceedings before Union Courts”
§ the Ph.D. formation and tuition for doctoral students in the area of EU law, including the course focusing on a high-level course for taught doctoral programme in EU and international law in the form of an advanced seminar on EU law for Ph.D. students
§ the module also implements further activities for students in the area of EU constitutional law focusing on the research and supporting the debate on EU law issues within the civil society
The Jean Monnet module also brings in the internationalisation of the tuition as courses, activities and outcomes are taught in English.
Selected publications
- § STEHLÍK, V.; EDLUND J.: The Uncertain Place of the Child’s Best Interests in ECtHR’s Immigration Case Law, International and Comparative Law Review, 2020, č. 2, 93-112
- § STEHLÍK VÁCLAV; VARDANYAN L.: Is the Case Law of ECtHR Ready to Prevent the Expansion of Mass Surveillance in the Post-Covid Europe? European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics,2020, č. 1,253-272
- § STEHLÍK, V., SEHNÁLEK, D.: The use of the preliminary ruling procedure by Czech courts: Historical retrospective and Beyond, Baltic Journal of European Studies, roč. 9, č.. 4, 2019, s. 150-172
- § SEHNÁLEK, D., STEHLÍK, V.: European “Judicial Monologue” of the Czech Constitutional Court
- – a Survey on Czech approach to the European Constitutionalism and to the Preliminary Ruling Procedure, International and Comparative Law Review, 2019, č. 2, 181-199
- § STEHLÍK, V.: Constitutional review and the preliminary ruling procedure: Commentary on the CCB decision of the Czech Constitutional Court, Czech Yearbook of International Law, 2019, s. 117-129
- § HAMUĽÁK, O., CIRCOLO, A. Challenges and Possibilities of Enforcing the Rule of Law within the EU Constitutional Edifice - the Need for Increased Role of Court of Justice, EU Charter and Diagonality in Perception. The EU in the 21st Century. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020, s. 155-169. ISBN 978-3-030-38398-5
- § HAMUĽÁK, O., GUNASEKARA, O. Human Rights Protection Standards in EU's Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP) and their Effect on Developing Countries. In Mokrá, L. EU as Humanitarian Actor. Bratislava: Comenius University in Bratislava, 2018, s. 37-50. ISBN 978-80-223-4630-6
- § GÁBRIŠ, T., HAMUĽÁK, O. Pandemics in Cyberspace - Empire in Search of a Sovereign?. Baltic Journal of Law and Politics, 2021, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 103-123. ISSN 2029-0454.DOI 10.2478/bjlp-2021-0005
- § GÁBRIŠ, T., HAMUĽÁK, O. 5G and Digital Sovereignty of the EU: The Slovak Way. Taltech Journal of European Studies, 2021, roč. 11, č. 2, s. 25-47. ISSN 2674-4600.DOI 10.2478/bjes-2021-0013
- § HAMUĽÁK, O., VARDANYAN, L., KOCHARYAN, H. The Global Reach of the Right to be Forgotten through the Lenses of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, 2021, roč. 2021, č. 12, s. 196-211. ISSN 1805-0565.
- § HAMUĽÁK, O., KOCHARYAN, H., KERIKMÄE, T. The Contemporary Issues of Post-Mortem Personal Data Protection in the EU after GDPR entering into Force. Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, 2020, roč. 2020, č. 1, s. 225-238. ISSN 1805-0565.
Selected guest lectures and events
Several guest lecturers are invited every year. In previous years they included personalities form European judiciary, EU institutions or academic. Among others:
- § Workshop with invited guest speaker. Dr. Lilla Nóra Kiss, topic: BREXIT: LEGAL DIMENSIONS & CASES (2020)
- § Workshop with invited guest speaker. Dr. Jozef Andraško, topic: REGULATION OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES: EU APPROACH (2021)
- § Special workshop for Ph.D. students: Guest: dr. Zuzana Vikarská, Topic: EXPERIENCE SHARING ON PH.D. AGENDA ACROSS THE EUROPE. (2021Students’ poster session on actual challenges of EU constitutional edifice (2022)
- § Special guest lecture by former AG Michal Bobek. Title: RULE OF LAW CRISIS AND REAL NATURE OF EU LAW (2022)
Envisaged events
- § Ph.D. workshop: mid-January 2023
contact person: assoc. prof. Václav Stehlík,
Academics, students and expert public are invited to participate at all activities in the Module.