Study Programmes in English
LL.M. Course
The course is designed as a flexible one (or two) year fully online study option for those interested in the fields of international and European law. Participants have the option of studying the combined LL.M. in International and European Law, the LL.M. in International Law, or the LL.M. in European Law. Participants also have the option of pursuing a specialist approach in one of six core areas. The course is conducted in English.
More information on LL.M. Course
Master in International and European Law
This 2 years full study programme is focused on extending the knowledge of international and European law with an emphasis on political science, particularly with regard to the integration context in the European region. The further specialisation is provided by a wide range of specialised courses, projects, field trips and activities and close interaction with the Faculty members.
More information on studylaw.upol.cz
Ph.D. in International and European Law
Ph.D. in International and European Law is a 3 years post-graduate study programme open to qualified graduate students providing them with the opportunity to acquire research and analytical skills, broaden professional perspectives and enhance their knowledge in the field of International and European law.
More information on studylaw.upol.cz
Ph.D. Law and Digital Technologies
The aim of the 4-year long doctoral study programme is to educate a new generation of experts capable of predicting legal challenges and threats in the digital environment and designing models of legal regulation that will counter emerging issues, prevent threats or eliminate their consequences. At the same time, their qualifications will enable them to push the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of the digital technology phenomenon and to contribute to the professional discourse in this area.
More information on https://digilaw.upol.cz/en
Information on the study programmes offered by the Palacký University, Faculty of Law in the Czech language is available on www.pf.upol.cz/studujte-u-nas/proc-prava-v-olomouci/
Faculty of Law Excellence Scholarship (Master study)
The Palacký University, Faculty of Law aims to attract excellent students, regardless of their origin and financial ability. The Faculty of Law invites outstanding students to apply for the Excellence Scholarship, covering the tuition fee and partially also living costs. The maximum award is 150.000 CZK (approx. 5.800 EUR) and the scholarship lasts a maximum of one year (two semesters). The Faculty of Law Excellence Scholarship may be granted repeatedly.
More information on studylaw.upol.cz
J. L. Fischer Scholarship (Doctoral study)
The Palacký University aims to attract excellent students, regardless of their origin and financial ability. The Faculty of Law invites outstanding students to apply for the one year J. L. Fischer Scholarship of up to 300.000 CZK (approx. 11.600 EUR), which covers not only tuition fees, but partially also living costs. The scholarship may be granted repeatedly.
More information on studylaw.upol.cz
Exchange / Erasmus+ Programme
Faculty of Law joined the Erasmus+ programme in 1997. At present it has bilateral agreements on student and staff exchanges with more than 50 universities from different European countries. Every year over 50 students join the Faculty of Law as Erasmus+ students and some more come within the framework of other cooperation agreements.
Detailed information on Erasmus+ and other exchange programmes at Palacký University Olomouc is available on www.upol.cz
Summer Schools
Summer School 2025
- 14th–25th July | The Use of Force in International Law
- 30th June – 4th July | Sustainability and Consumer Protection
The French-Czech Summer Law School
This school is a result of long-term collaboration between the UP Faculty of Law and École de droit de l'Université Clermont Auvergne. It is always attended by a maximum of ten students from each partner university. Both universities take turns in hosting the summer school. The last, ninth year, took place in September 2017 in Olomouc; its topic was the protection of minority rights. The summer school is an opportunity for students to get to know Olomouc and Palacký University. Some of them subsequently stay in Olomouc and participate in the Erasmus+ programme.
International Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights
Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights founded in 2012 by Dr Selma Porobić with late OBE Prof. Emerita Barbara Harrell-Bond from the University of Oxford. The school is modelled according to international summer schools initiated by late professor Harrell-Bond in the 1980s as pioneering refugee law training for humanitarians. Our goal is to advance legal protection skills and to enhance collaboration in responding to the current challenges of international refugee protection in Europe and globally.
Website: refugees.upol.cz
Double Degree (Study in English)
The field of study European Studies Focused on European Law is specific and unique thanks to international collaboration implemented not only at the level of standard international academic collaboration, but also through a partnership with Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg and its Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies. Students of this programme have an excellent opportunity to go for a short-term or long-term study stay abroad, as well as to receive a university diploma from both these institutions if they fulfill all the requirements.
Provisions for applicants for this study may be found on admission.upol.cz
Details regarding successful completion of the study may be found on evstu.upol.cz
For coordination and support of foreign study, both partner universities have appointed a coordinator at their institution. The coordinator at Palacký University is JUDr. Mag. iur. Michal Malacka, Ph.D., MBA (michal.malacka@upol.cz).
For more information, please check uni-salzburg.at
More information about studying at UP may be found in the Study Guide
Rights and Obligations
- A-10/2011-ÚZ03 – Third Consolidated Version of the Study and Examination Code of Palacký University
- R-B-17/08 – Topic Asssignment, Submission and Registration of Data on the Bachelor’s Thesis, Master’s Thesis, Dissertation, and State Comprehensive (Rigorosum) Exam, and the Means of Public Presentation
- PF-B-18/7 – Internal Standard of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc on the J. L. Fischer Scholarship to Support Study in the Foreign-Language Study Programme
- Rules of reimbursement of the costs associated with the participation in the conferences for the students of doctoral study programme at the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc
- PF-B-18/10 - Internal Standard of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc on the Formal Requirements for Qualification Theses at the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc