Centre for Clinical Legal Education

About Us
Looking to the future, our vision is to contribute to just society by educating responsible legal professionals, who promote equal access to justice, raise legal awareness and uphold the highest standards of professional values.
It is our mission to contribute to the excellence of law teaching and lifelong learning at the Law Faculty of Palacký University in Olomouc by providing our students with practical, real-life opportunities in which they can apply the set of knowledge and skills acquired by studying law and use it to help underserved communities and individuals, while at the same time raising their self-awareness which shall serve as moral compass in their future career.
It is our mission to guide our students on their path to become socially responsible professionals who treat each of their clients with utmost respect and courtesy regardless of income, circumstances or life situation. Our Students Law Office and Street Law Program aim to raise public legal awareness and assist the underserved communities and individuals regarding legal issues that affect their lives.
In our understanding, legal clinics, street law and other forms of practical legal education shall not just bridge the gap between theory and practice, but also motivate students to develop a sense of professionalism, ethics, social responsibility, and to promote democracy and rule of law. We teach our students not just to be outstanding lawyers, but in the first place to be good people and outstanding members of their professional and social community. After all, „how good a lawyer you are won’t be determined by how many rules you’ve learned; it will turn on how good person you are.“ (Dan M. Kahan, 2006)