Camp Peira 2024
The sixth edition of Camp Peira will take place on 18 - 20 October 2024.
Registration is open until 29th September 2024.
Please register here.
In case of questions, please contact Dr Martin Faix (martin.faix@upol.cz).
About Camp Peira
CAMP PEIRA is a three-day specialized course organized by the Law Faculty of the Palacký University in cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. This course can be characterized as so-called live simulation role-play training. The focus on international humanitarian law and interdisciplinary approach make this training unique in the context of the Czech Republic and whole Europe.
The course has a strong interdisciplinary character. Great emphasis is placed on the interconnection between theory and practice namely in areas of the law of armed conflict, international refugee and migration law, but also on issues related to providing health care in situations of violence) and on linking participants from the civilian sphere (students, experts, academics) with military professionals.
CAMP PEIRA takes place in a real environment of the Czech Army´s military training area Březina/Vyškov.
In terms of the content, the course is conceived as a simulation of a situation of (non-international) armed conflict. Students are given roles (legal advisor of the camp commander, refugee, migrant, NGO worker, medical staff, detained person) in which they face situations proving relevancy and complexity of the application of relevant (international) legal rules during non-international armed conflict and provision of health care. Thanks to the cooperation with members of the Czech Army, students gain and enhance also other practical skills.
Organizing team and institutions
The Law Faculty of the Palacký University is the main organizer (participants include Czech and foreign students) in collaboration with the Army of the Czech Republic (namely with the University of Defence in Brno, combat teams, special forces, medical staff, etc.) and the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law.
Following institutions also contribute to the course in matters of organization or by participation (experts and/or students):
- Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR Prague)
- University of Defence
International and national experts from universities, state authorities (Public Prosecutor´s Office), media or medical institutions also participate in the course.