The Ukraine crisis - Challenging military aggression without direct military force: Mapping the road for European Union security and collective responses under international law
Palacky University Junior Grant Scheme Project (2023 - 2025)
The 3-years research project addresses, in the context of the conflict in Ukraine, indirect and non-military measures under international law as a mechanism for the European Union (EU) to target States which violate the fundamental rules of international law, without directly confronting these States militarily (i.e., not becoming involved or party to the armed conflict).
International Law on the Use of Force with particular focus on Visegrad Group States
funded by GAČR (2018-2021)
International Criminal Responsibility for Special Intent Crimes
Palacky University IGA Scheme Project (2-years project)
Publications of CIHOL members and CIHOL affiliated experts published in 2023:
- SVICEVIC, Marko, BRADLEY, Martha M. (eds), The Cabo Delgado Conflict: Human Rights, International Law and Security (forthcoming Routledge 2023).
- FAIX, Martin, SVAČEK, Ondřej (eds.), ICC Jurisprudence and the Development of International Humanitarian Law (forthcoming Palgrave Macmillan 2023)
Publications of CIHOL members and CIHOL affiliated experts published in 2022 and before:
- SVICEVIC, Marko, Collective self-defence or regional enforcement action: The legality of a SADC intervention in Cabo Delgado and the question of Mozambican consent’ (2022) Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 138 – 170
- SVICEVIC, Marko, DU TOIT JJ, ‘The calling of witnesses viva voce during the extradition procedure: is it a legal requirement?’ (2022) 1 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg/Journal of South African Law 50 – 75
- FAIX, Martin, STEJSKAL, Petr. "Legal Aspects of Misattribution Caused by Cyber Deception," in: Jančárková, T., Visky, G., Winther, I. (eds), 2022 14th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Keep Moving! (CyCon), NATO CCDCOE Publications, Tallinn, 2022, pp. 205-218, doi: 10.23919/CyCon55549.2022.9810910.
- FAIX, Martin, JAMALI, Ayyoub. “Is the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights in an Existential Crisis?” Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, Volume: 40 issue: 1, page(s): 56-74. Article first published online: January 13, 2022; Issue published: March 1, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1177/09240519211072424
- JAMALI, Ayyoub, FAIX, Martin. The Application of the Doctrine of Res Judicata in the Context of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: Analysis of the Court’s Decisions in the Gombert and Dexter Cases. Comparative Law Review [online]. 22 December 2021, T. 27, s. 235–253. [accessed 23.12.2021]. DOI 10.12775/CLR.2021.009.
- HONUSKOVÁ, Věra, FAIX, Martin, OBRTLÍKOVÁ, Kristýna. Using live action role-play in teaching migration and refugee law, In: Grimes, Richard, Honusková, Věra, Stege, Ulrich. Teaching Migration and Asylum Law. Routledge, London: 2021, 9781003167617
- FAIX, Martin, STEJSKAL, Petr.. Scenario 21: Misattribution caused by deception. (2021, September 18). International cyber law: interactive toolkit, available online from https://cyberlaw.ccdcoe.org/w/index.php?title=Scenario_21:_Misattribution_caused_by_deception&oldid=2846.
- BRADLEY, Martha M., DE BEER, Aniel. The Collective Responsibility of Organised Armed Groups for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence during a Non-International Armed Conflict. Stellenbosch Law Review, Volume 32, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 129 – 154, https://doi.org/10.47348/SLR/v32/i1a6
- SVICEVIC, Marko, ‘Re-assessing the (continued) need for UN Security Council authorisation of reginal enforcement action: The African Union 20 years on’ (2021) 45 South African Yearbook of International Law 1 – 28
- SVICEVIC, Marko, Compendium of Documents Relating to Regional and Sub-Regional Peace and Security in Africa (2nd ed, 2021, Pretoria University Law Press) pp. 823
- DU TOIT, JJ, SVICEVIC, Marko, ‘The unconstitutionality of section 5(1)(a) of the Extradition Act 67 of 1962 – implications for ongoing and future extradition proceedings in light of a decision of the Constitutional Court’ (2021) 3 Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg/Journal of South African Law
- BRADLEY, Martha M. Additional Protocol II: Elevating the minimum threshold of intensity? International Review of the Red Cross, 2021, pp. 1-28. doi:10.1017/S1816383121000199.
- FAIX, Martin, KLECZKOWSKA, Agata. “A bridge too far: Polish-Czech border incident”, Völkerrechtsblog, 5 August 2020; ISSN 2510-2567; https://voelkerrechtsblog.org/a-bridge-too-far-polish-czech-border-incident/
- BRADLEY, Martha M., DE BEER, Aniel. "All Necessary and Reasonable Measures" - The Bemba Case and the Threshold for Command Responsibility. International Criminal Law Review 20 (2020), pp. 163 - 213, doi:10.1163/15718123-02002004
- CHADIMOVÁ, Michala. Interaction between genocide and superior responsibility: conviction for a special-intent crime without proving a special intent. In:Odello, M., Lubinski, P., The Concept of Genocide in International Criminal Law Developments after Lemkin. Routledge 2020.
- HOFFMANN, Tamás. The crime of genocide in its (nearly) infinite domestic variety. In:Odello, M., Lubinski, P., The Concept of Genocide in International Criminal Law Developments after Lemkin. Routledge 2020.
- BRADLEY, Martha M., DE BEER, Aniel. Appellate Deference Versus the De Novo Analysis of Evidence: The Decision of the Appeals Chamber in Prosecutor v Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo. In: Gill, T.D., Geiß, R., Krieger, H., Paulussen, C. (Eds.). Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (2019)
- DE BEER, Aniel. Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens) and the Prohibition of Terrorism. Brill / Nijhoff 2019, 270 pp. (awarded the ASIL Lieber Prize for best book in the law of armed conflict)
- STEJSKAL, Petr. The Interplay of Fields of International Law in Case of Foreign Investments Affected by Armed Conflict. Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law. 2019, Vol. 10, p. 396-409
- HEIKKINEN, Tuomas; FAIX, Martin. Circumventing Obligations Through Multinational Military Operations: Legal Consequences for Troop Contributing States. International and Comparative Law Review, 2019, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 172– 189. DOI: 10.2478/iclr-2019-0006
- CHADIMOVA, Michala. Superior Responsibility in the Bemba Case – Analysis of the Court’s Findings on Necessary and Reasonable Measures. International and Comparative Law Review, 2019, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 300–312. DOI: 10.2478/ iclr-2019-0026.
- BRUNNER, Tomáš, FAIX, Martin. The Attribution Problem as a Tool of Lawfare. Obrana a strategie, vol. 2, 2018, pp. 79 - 96, doi: 10.3849/1802-7199.18.2018.01.079-094
- FAIX, Martin, SVAČEK, Ondřej. International Law on the Use of Force - the Need for Methodological Debate. In: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, vol. 9, 2018, pp. 95-110.
- STEJSKAL, Petr. Potential effect of the law of belligerent occupation on the applicability of investment treaties in occupied territories. International and Comparative Law Review. 2018, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 152-196.
- SVAČEK, Ondřej. Al-Bashir and the ICC - Tag, Hide-and-Seek...or Rather Blind Man's Bluff? In: ŠTURMA, Pavel (ed.) The Rome Statute of the ICC and Its Fifteenth Anniversary: Achievements and Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, Nijhoff, 2018.
- STEJSKAL, Petr. Mezinárodně-právní postavení zahraničních investorů v případě okupace státního území (International Legal Position of Foreign Investors during Belligerent Occupation). In: Šturma, P., Trávníčková, Z. (eds.). Jednotlivec v mezinárodním právu na počátku třetího tisíciletí. 2018, p. 175-188.
- STEJSKAL, Petr. War: Foreign Investments in Danger: Can International Humanitarian Law or Full Protection and Security Clause Always Save It? Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law. 2017, Vol. 8, p. 529-549.
- CHADIMOVA, Michala, SVACEK, Ondrej, PROCHAZKOVA Ivana. Superior responsibility in international criminal law. Praha: Leges, 2017. ISBN: 978-80-7502-251-6
- SVAČEK, Ondřej. Mezinárodní trestní soud (2005-2017). [International Criminal Court (2005-2017)]. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2017. 292 p.
- HEIKKINEN, Tuomas, FAIX, Martin. States´ obligations under the Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions in the context of multinational military operations. In: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, vol. 8, 2017, p. 321 - 336.
- FAIX, Martin, HEIKKINEN, Tuomas. The Use of Human Shields and the Principle of Proportionality Under Law of Armed Conflict. In: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, vol. 7, 2016, p. 243 - 256.
- HEIKKINEN, Tuomas, FAIX, Martin. The Need for Unified Understanding of 'Military Objective' in the Context of Human Shields and Passive Precautions Concepts. International and Comparative Law Review, 2016, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 49-66. DOI: 10.1515/iclr-2016-0014
- SVAČEK, Ondřej. International Criminal Court and Human Rights: Achievements and Challenges. In: VICENTE, Dário Moura. Towards a Universal Justice? Putting International Court and Jurisdictions into Perspective. Leiden, Boston: Brill, Nijhoff, 2016, s. 206-221.